Monday, December 23, 2013

Only the Best Time of Year

Family traditions, hot chocolate, ice skating, gingerbread houses, cookies and milk, warm fuzzy socks, presents under the tree, kisses under the mistletoe, twinkling lights, and being with the people you love the most. Who doesn't love this time of year!? Gosh I love Christmas. Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. It's about love and caring, spreading that spirit around everywhere we go. We should do this all year round but unfortunately we only try around Christmas time. Even though its cold outside and snow is everywhere there is still a warmth that comes from the spirit of Christmas. 
This year has really felt like Christmas for me! Boy have I been blessed.
I went ice skating with some friends and let me just say we are all oh so very good at ice skating that we don't fall...ever. Haha

You can't forget about making gingerbread houses! Couldn't be Christmas time with out making a mess and getting frosting everywhere! We made a gingerbread house and a gingerbread train. It was messy and yummy and oh so very great!

Took a trip down to Temple Square in Salt Lake City! Gosh it was beautiful! The trees were all twinkling in any and every color you could think of. It was freezing and crowded in Temple Square but still in some way you felt warm inside. I love those lights and how they make you feel. I love the way you can see how beautiful the Temple is and how lit up it looks with all the twinkling lights around it. Such a fun night.

This time of year is wonderful and magical all at the same time. Keep in mind why we celebrate it and what's most important. Christ. The birth of a man who is perfect and our brother who loves us unconditionally. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope its full of people who you love dearly and the spirit of Christ.

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