Monday, November 11, 2013

Refining Ourselves

Change. People change everyday. We make decisions that change us as individuals whether we realize it or not. We can do it with out realizing it or we can do it on purpose for a reason. Gosh I sure hope we can change! Change for the better. If we all stayed the same we wouldn't learn anything. But do we really change? Do we change ourselves entirely? Or do we just make ourselves better? That's for you to decide, I haven't quite figured that out yet. I'm still deciding. We do change. But how much of ourselves do? I believe fully that a person can change, they change for the better or for the worst. We stay who we are though. We just modify who we are. Mistakes and choices play a big role in change. Our trials change us. They shape who we are and who we want to become. But they don't make us who we are. We are not the mistakes we've made. They don't define us. They refine us. There is a difference. Don't let your short comings define you. Don't let others tell you they define you. Show them who you really are. CHANGE their minds. We do change. We change everyday. How much of yourself are you willing to change?

Signed, Still Refining.

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