Monday, August 12, 2013

Three Little Words

I have said before that I believe you can fall in love with bits and pieces of people in your life.  That everyone can have a little piece of your heart.  I have a lot of people in my life that I can point to and say that they have a part of my heart but never before have I had someone have so much of it.  Someone once before has been very close to having a huge part of my heart but nothing like this.  To be in love with someone is such an amazing feeling.  Its easy.  Everything is better.  Things don't upset you as much.  You smile more.  Days feel better even when they aren't in them, because you know that even though you didn't see them that day, they are still yours.
Love is a powerful word.
Some people are scared of it, other use it often.  Love to me should be around all the time.  Shown or by being said.  You never know when you're going to see someone again.  Wouldn't you always want them to know how you felt, just in case?  I'm totally in love and I am so unbelievably blessed.  It feels amazing to be loved and for someone to feel the same about me as I do them.  Every time I think about it, it makes me kind of chuckle to myself.  I think in my head the quote from Elf  when Will Ferrell says, "I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!"  I'm just so happy and content with life.  Don't take your family, friends, or any others that you love dearly for granted.  
Say "I love you" to those who have bits and pieces of your heart.  
Say it to the ones you really do love.

Signed, A Very Blessed Girl

Me and Tyler

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