Sunday, October 11, 2015

Life as a Hancey

[ Year 2 0 1 5 ]

I got married this year! To the man beyond my dreams.
It was beautiful and better than I could have imagined.
It was crazy and busy and absolutely exhausting and I wouldn't have changed it for anything.
Everything went perfect on that day. I couldn't wait to marry my man, and to marry him for eternity.
I look back on that day, and I am so lucky and blessed for family and friends that helped make that day the best day of my life.

We got a puppy!!
Todd Wayne is the newest member of the Hancey Clan.
He is a Pomeranian, Mini Pin mix.
He hides his bones around the house.
He puts his favorite things in piles.
He sneezes at least 6 times a day.
He hates stuff on his nose.
He loves people.
He looks like a fox.
And we love him.
Meet Todd.

Left-When he was 9 weeks old.
Right-When he was 5 months old.
I've taken up a love for Yoga this year. At one point, when I had more time, I was doing two classes a day. I love how I can challenge my body to do things I didn't think I could ever do. I love it.

Right-Me and Lindsey (Best friend, yogi buddy, and favorite DI shopper)

[Year 2 0 1 5]

It has been an amazing year full of blessings.
It has also been a hard year full of challenges.
This year has been the best year of my life, cause I got to spend it with the people I love most.
This year has showed me everything I am so very grateful for.
This year I got to do so many things and share them with my husband.
This year isn't over yet, and I'm ready for more!

The girl loving the Hancey life